Motivated to Succeed: Determining Your Attitude Towards Change and Progress

Motivated to Succeed: Determining Your Attitude Towards Change and Progress

Motivated to Succeed: Determining Your Attitude Towards Change and Progress. Have you ever found yourself complaining about a situation, but not taking any action to change it? We all do it at some point, so don’t feel bad. But here’s the question: If it’s something you really want, are you finding excuses as to why you can’t achieve it, or are you looking for ways to overcome obstacles? In this episode, we’ll explore how to differentiate between an obstacle and an excuse, and how to overcome those obstacles to find solutions and achieve your goals.

Nurse Business Owners Meet in Las Vegas: Recap of NNBA Conference

Nurse Business Owners Meet in Las Vegas: Recap of NNBA Conference

We’re diving into a recap of the National Nurses and Business Association conference. Held in Las Vegas, Nevada, this conference brought together hundreds of nurses who either have or want to start their own businesses.

Deanna shares her firsthand experience at the conference, including her four-hour workshop on starting a profitable case management business. The conference featured inspiring keynotes, sessions on branding and LinkedIn optimization, and opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Deanna also highlights the chance to meet industry influencers like Teresa Sanderson and participate in a Shark Tank competition. Join us as we unravel the insights and opportunities from this enriching conference experience.

You Won’t Believe What I Did Now!

You Won’t Believe What I Did Now!

You won’t believe what I did now! I’m so excited to share this update with you. It is truly a dream come true. Whether you seek motivation, crave inspiration, or simply love a good story, tune in to discover what I did!

How to Afford the Life You Want with Nurse & Financial Coach Kristin Wade

How to Afford the Life You Want with Nurse & Financial Coach Kristin Wade

Do you want to work less? Maybe you dream of going part-time or PRN but are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to work fewer hours.

Do you want to work from home or as a School Nurse for more work-life balance but are afraid you will not make enough money to survive?

Or maybe you want to start a business, or travel more but don’t see how you can afford to.

Then this episode of The Stay At Home Nurse Podcast is for you! We will talk with Nurse turned Accredited Financial Counselor Kristin Wade.

Protect Your Nursing License and Livelyhood

Protect Your Nursing License and Livelyhood

Today we have a special guest, Lorie Brown, who is both a nurse and an attorney. She shares with us: 

The one thing every nurse should do to protect your license
What to do if you encounter unsafe staffing
Why nurses make great business owners
How to build a nurse-owned business legally 
And so much more

Whether you are a bedside nurse or a nurse entrepreneur Lorie’s words of wisdom will speak to you.

Nursing Continuing Education: A Business Opportunity & Powerful Marketing Tool

Nursing Continuing Education: A Business Opportunity & Powerful Marketing Tool

Teresa Sanderson is an Associate Degree Nurse turned nurse entrepreneur. Her frustration with the lack of quality hospice care in her area led her to start her own hospice agency. As an outside-the-box thinker, Teresa used nursing CE programs to grow her hospice agency to over $3,000,000. In this episode, she will share with you exactly how she accomplished this. 

Today Teresa teaches other nurses how to become CE providers and nurse entrepreneurs and how to use nursing CE as a marketing tool. 

Teresa also has a passion project called Nurses Feed their Young where she is ending the tradition of nurses eating their young. 

Work-Life Balance When Working From Home

Work-Life Balance When Working From Home

Working from home has blurred the line between work and life. While some people thrive working from home others find it difficult to not work all the time. 

So how do you achieve work-life balance? Is there even such a thing? 

What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. Your personality and season of life will influence your ideal work-life balance.

Listen in as Janine and I discuss what work-life balance looks like for each of us, and how you can determine what work-life balance should look like for you. This episode is full of creative tips you can use to achieve your ideal work-life balance when working from home.